How Septic Systems Work For Dummies

by | Oct 13, 2024 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

In this section, we’ll take you through the inner workings of a fair-sized septic system.

Septic tanks and drainfields (also known as soil absorption fields) are characteristics commonly found in a septic system.

The first step in wastewater treatment is to locate a septic tank and explore all the contents found in it. It breaks down the biosolids in the sewage and settles the low-density phytoclast (like grease and oils) and other heavy wastes. In shallow, drainfield systems, effluent is routed from the septic tank through a series of perforated piping, bundled in a sand mound, or various other developed methods made specifically for the strategic distribution of effluent to the surrounding ground. This terrene is referred to as the drainage area.

Such systems instead employ pumping systems or gravity to course septic tank effluent through sand, organic substances like peat and sawdust, constructed biological treatment beds, and other treatment media to inactivate or detoxify contaminants like pathogens, nitrogen and phosphorus. Some other techniques are – removal of water by evaporation and the like before waste is released into the soil.

Demonstration of how a regular normal household septic system operates:

All used water within the house is discharged along one main longitudinal drainage fitting to go into a septic chamber.

The septic tank is buried, insulated container that can be made of petroleum based plastics, fiberglass or concrete. It helps to keep the waste water for a certain period so that solids can settle at the bottom creating, sludge with moisture and the oil and grease floating on the oils surface as scum. The siphon systems installed in built Tanks impedes the outflow of the sludge and scum inside the tank so that the sludge does not migrate into the drainfield.

The liquid waste leftover (effluent) flows out of the tank in to the drainfield such as an area devoid of sewage.

The drainfield is a shallow excavated area, away from water which is filled with soil. Wastewater that has been treated prior is buried Benchtops through piping over the surfaces then consists of soils permeable to water. Soil takes in, treats and distributes water; wherever that water passes through soil, that water is finally returned to the ground basin. Too much saturation in the drainfield will result in all the discrimination that causes the sewage to rise up to the land area or even backups in toilets or sinks.

The last process in waste water treatment is infiltration into the earth which is able to eliminate almost all gaseous coliform bacteria, viruses and excessive nutrients. Coliform bacteria are usually found at the intestines of humans other warm blood objects. It is commonly used as a parameter to detect human waste.

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